Lessons at Sophie's Choice
!! Snuffelles Bij Sophie's Choice !!
Snuffellessen voor de aller kleinste
Iedere zaterdag
12:00 t/m 12:15
12:15 t/m 12:30
Voor wie: iedereen tussen de 4 en 6 jaar.
Kosten: €40,- euro per 5 lessen (op basis van een strippenkaart)
Heb jij een zoon, dochter, neefje of nichtje die heel graag zou willen paardrijden maar nog te jong is voor de regulieren lessen? Dan zijn deze ''snuffellessen een goed begin. De lessen zijn geheel vrijblijvend.
Meer informatie of opgeven?
Participate with your own horse
Are you looking for great instruction? someone who looks carefully at the whole picture and attaches great value to the basics?
Then take a trial lesson with us. This can be done both privately and in groups.
Whether you have been a combination for a long time or perhaps only just recently, it does not matter.
Group lessons
At Sophie's Choice we work with 3 certified instructors.
We think the basics are very important. Because where are you without a solid foundation to build on? We give lessons from inexperienced (child & adult) to experienced riders and ensure that everyone can work on their own developments at his/her level.
We offer a starting lesson for inexperienced riders. This is a 60-minute lesson where the first 30 minutes focus on the handling and care of the horse. This is where we start building trust. After this lesson you will continue to progress a little further.
If you are already familiar with horse riding, we recommend that you arrange a trial lesson so that we can get acquainted and assess your level so that you can be placed in the right lesson.
Unfortunately, we are currently experiencing some problems with our lighting and our classes are only given during the day. As the days get longer, there is also room for evening classes.
Teaching days
Monday: 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Friday: 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Saturday: 09:00 to 12:00
You pay €65 per month for our group lessons.
Riding school plan
We are members of the riding school & Equestrian Union. All our lesson customers receive a lesson agreement and must also become a member of the riding school & equestrian association. This provides an extra bit of insurance and you will also receive the magazine
''the riding school rider''
We also work with a riding school plan. A great program that gives our lesson customers the opportunity to unsubscribe from lessons and schedule lessons via an app.
Private lessons
Bij Sophie's Choice werken we met 3 gediplomeerde instructrices.
De basis vinden wij erg belangrijk. Want waar ben je zonder een stevige fundering om op verder te bouwen. We geven lessen vanaf onervaren (kind & volwassenen) tot ervaren ruiters en zorgen dat iedereen op zijn/haar niveau kan werken aan hun eigen ontwikkelingen.
Wil je gaan beginnen met lessen maar zie je de drukte van een groepsles niet zo zitten?
Of misschien vind je het fijn om in alle rust en aandacht te werken aan je eigen ontwikkeling? Wat de reden ook is we doen het graag!
Helaas ondervinden wij momenteel wat problemen met onze verlichting en worden onze lessen enkel overdag gegeven. naarmate de dagen weer langer worden is er ook weer ruimte voor avond lessen.
Teaching days
Private lessonsAppointments are possible on all days we are open. And this is agreed based on availability.
For private lessons you pay:
€25 for 30 minutes
€45 for 60 minutes.
Riding school plan
We are members of the riding school & Equestrian Union. All our lesson customers receive a lesson agreement and must also become a member of the riding school & equestrian association. This provides an extra bit of insurance and you will also receive the magazine
''the riding school rider''
We also work with a riding school plan. A great program that gives our lesson customers the opportunity to unsubscribe from lessons and schedule lessons via an app.